20% Project Week#3 Boxing

This week was amazing and I was able to accomplish new moves. Some successes that I experienced this week also learned movement of your body when you do steps. Me and some of the people in my class that are the same thing as me we created an punching bag by using a backpack and stuffing it with soft things and with sweaters and so we don’t hurt our hands and they don’t ache and another way it’s was successful was that we did new steps like more advanced moves and how no to mess up and not hurt our hands and arms and those moves are from MMA fighters and also moves when people do bare knuckle and so when we hit something our knuckles won’t hurt and we have to go the hospital and one bad thing that happened that we got distracted by another group cutting hair.

Week#2 20% Project Boxing

This week was amazing and the best I was able to accomplish steps and technique’s. My friend brought items that would help us with our reflexes and how it would help and how to do it properly with out messing anything up and when we were doing that we also learned the moves and punching moves on how to do it properly and how not to hurt your self when doing it so we watched videos when we were watching we learned more steps and how your supposed to step and hit so we learned new tricks on how to do the moves and how to properly do them without getting yourself hurt in a way. We were watching a tutorial on how we can do it with out messing up and getting hurt while we were watching we were practicing how to do them in till we did it perfectly.

Favorite Room And Neighbor?

The room in my home that is my favorite is the living room. The first reason is because I have my gaming console connected to the T.V and I can play video games with a big screen. My second reason why I chose the living room is because it has led lights so when I put a certain color everything in the room glows with different colors so it feels magical. My third reason why I chose the living room is because I can watch movies on the T.V and shows and YouTube so mostly when I can’t go to sleep. There are many ways to be a good neighbor. One example is like offering to help them with stuff that they need to move or put some where. My second reason is like inviting them over and doing fun stuff with them. My third reason would be to just be a good neighbor to them like take care of each other and warn what your going to do.

On The Planet Segatron

On the planet Segatron we are the good people. We are the mighty warriors our enemies are the Negatron the Negatron are the worst of the worst they are like devils they also treat people like they were nothing they do hurriedness things that can be explain but one of them are ripping people limb for limb. Us Segatrons are the good people we save them of getting tortured and getting ripped limb for limb. So we built an holy house were they can go in and get away from the Negatron. This war has been happening since earth came along so we are there warriors and protect them and don’t try to get caught by the police. To be continued and we will see what will they do next.


There are so many people I would want to invite to dinner, but these are my top three would be Maverick,Isaac and Josiah. The reason why i chose Maverick first is because Maverick is my best friend and he is like a brother to me and he is funny and Maverick is like the glue that keeps the group together. And the second reason why I chose Isaac is because he is also like a brother he is so energetic and he is very curative and he makes up things on what we could do. The third reason why I would chose Josiah is because we have things in common in cars and how to make stuff that are car related. My forth reason I chose all of them is because they are good friends.

20% Project Week-1

Today we started working on our twenty percent project. I did not accomplish any thing because I was working on my schedule and the planning part so I didn’t do anything but I was looking at videos on YouTube and I looked at some videos about steps and techniques about boxing and it is learning self defense but not really but it is the same thing and my mentor is my older brother Hugo and he is my favorite brother then other siblings that I have and the reason why I chose boxing so I can get more skill and be good at it and when I was younger I wanted to be the best boxer but it was cut short so the reason why I chose it again because I just wanted to do because I can use self defense when my brother Nathan try’s to hit me so I don’t hurt him or any way possible.

Rad-Reading March All In

I have not finished the book but I’m on page 224 chapter 39. By Jennifer Lynn Barnes. The story has people but in an certain groups and how they do stuff and do thing together to solve how things happened and figure out who did something bad or wrong and find them and figure out who the victims are of the situation. I like this book because it’s like just solving problems and i would sell it to someone that likes problem solving. Agent Sterling is my favorite character because in one quotes he said “ we have to work together to figure this out. “ the reason why I chose this quote is because it shows how they try to work in an team. My favorite quote is “ do you want to succeed and work as a team.” This quote is meaningful to me because it’s like saying never back down and never give up.